Emily Gailey
Scientific Experience
Graduate Roles
Graduate Teaching Assistant
at NC State
BIT 477/577: Metagenomics
I coordinated lesson plans, instructed small groups and set up lab protocols. I also prepared reagents and equipment prior to laboratory sessions.
Undergraduate Roles
Undergraduate Researcher in SEA-PHAGES Program
at UNC Charlotte
I was a part of team that uncovered bacteriophage viruses from soil samples, then isolated, purified and amplified bacteriophage DNA. Genomes were completely annotated and all research data was summitted to the global Actinobacteriophage database on PhagesDB.org.
Alexander,W.K., Allen,R., Anderson,J.D., Brumfield,A.N., Cook,T.M., Dana,G.M., Ethridge,G.J., Gailey,E.C., Gainey,M.D., Netzley,R.A.,Nguyen,J.V., Souza,P.J., Yoder,B.M., Bates,T.C., Wallen,J.R., Wisner,E.M., Molloy,S.D., Ko,C., Russell,D.A., Jacobs-Sera,D. and Hatfull,G.F. 2023. Gordonia phage Culver, complete genome. GenBank Accession No. OR475265
Research Assistant in Dr. Yohe's Lab
at UNC Charlotte
I studied the evolution of olfactory receptors in avian species. I used genomic and computational data collected from CT scans of specimens.
I also took measurements of birds that were collected in the field using bird nets.